Food for Thought: Seeing Yourself

Food for Thought: Seeing Yourself Do you ever wonder… how many versions of yourself are actually out there? I do. For starters… There’s me as I know myself now. There’s the defiant, fuck-you version of me from when I was 17–18 ish. Then you’ve got the depressed, burdensome, nobody-would-care-if-I-was gone persona right before

Food for Thought: Seeing Yourself2023-05-14T14:41:27+00:00

Food for Thought: Perspective Seeking

Food for Thought: Perspective Seeking I asked ChatGPT… to tell me about the history of the phrase “food for thought” and what it actually means. I often like to do some research, or at least dig into dictionary definitions before I start parading my ideas around with certain vocabulary and I figured this

Food for Thought: Perspective Seeking2023-05-14T14:39:19+00:00

Self Awareness: The Gateway to Influencing Hearts and Motivating People

Self Awareness: The Gateway to Influencing Hearts and Motivating People Supervisory promotion based on tenure. Managerial responsibilities as a result of polished technical skills. Demands of director-level, executive-level compensation and respect while turnover skyrockets and satisfaction plummets. Gallup published a study last August sharing some unsettling numbers. 60% of our people are emotionally

Self Awareness: The Gateway to Influencing Hearts and Motivating People2023-05-14T14:27:18+00:00

The Value of Failure

The Value of Failure On one late afternoon in September of 2019, I held back tears as I walked back to my desk, desperate to not further humiliate myself in front of all my colleagues.. “We’ve decided to offer this opportunity to someone else” still rang in my ears that night as I

The Value of Failure2023-05-14T14:27:45+00:00
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