Hey, I’m Miranda.

Iam still never really sure where to go with these kinds of things. There are SO MANY things that carry weight when I’m describing myself. I know this section should probably be a sales pitch to you for why you should hire me to help you with your marketing or coach you through a major life shift, but that’s not really how I roll.

I’m a giver, a servant leader. If you’ve ever shared any part of your story or struggles with me, I’m the kind of gal who swoops in and splashes cold water on your face when you need it most but are too stubborn (or ashamed) to ask for help. I ask probing questions. I pick up on vocal variety and body language. I feel energies. And I put every single one of those things on the table for discussion. I air things out, shake out rugs, and clean out closets.

So yeah…

I desire to live boldly, and man do I have a zest for life. I carry big energy, and walk with urgency. I believe with ever fiber of my being that every moment on this earth is critical because there is so much hurt, pain, sadness, and most devastating of all…loneliness. Time is a currency we can’t create, so I’m not going to spend mine in any lukewarm kind of way. For me it’s a lot more than marketing, coaching, or even story telling. It’s connection.

Perhaps I wrote it best in my senior honors thesis…

I am deeply convinced that at our purest form, we as humans need to be connected to others. After all, God didn’t leave Adam alone neither in the garden nor in exile from it. Nor should we as humans have the impression that our relationships are good enough or that we are to sacrifice certain intimacies for others.

The current world can be a dark and lonely place to be for someone who hasn’t developed a shell to shield who they are from those they encounter, whether it be the friend you have lunch with at work everyday, or the stranger you passed through the aisle at the grocery store. I propose we can change this. With awareness and the desire to not just preach the good news of togetherness, but to practice and share it, makes us more human than we’ve ever been before.


Ready to Talk?

do you have a big idea I can help with?